What Questions Should I Ask My Franchise Consultant?

When working with a franchise consultant, it’s important to ask the right questions to get the most out of your collaboration. Here are some questions to ask your franchise consultant:

1. What is your experience with franchising? Ask about the consultant’s experience in franchising, including how many years they’ve been working in the industry, and their experience working with franchises similar to the one you’re considering.

2. How do you choose the franchises you recommend? Ask how the consultant selects the franchises they recommend and what criteria they use to determine if a franchise is a good fit for you.

3. What are the costs involved in working with you? Ask about the consultant’s fees and what services are included in their fee structure. Be sure to understand the consultant’s payment structure before signing any agreements.

4. Can you provide references? Ask for references from other clients the consultant has worked with to get an idea of their experience and the quality of their services.

5. Can you help me with financing? Ask if the consultant can help you with financing and if they have relationships with lenders or other financial institutions.

6. How long will it take to find the right franchise? Ask the consultant about the timeline for finding the right franchise, and how long it typically takes to complete the process.

7. Can you help me with the franchisor selection process? Ask the consultant how they can help you with the franchisor selection process, including how they’ll help you evaluate the franchisor and what factors they’ll consider.

By asking these questions, you’ll gain a better understanding of what to expect from your franchise consultant and how they can help you find the right franchise opportunity.

QUESTIONS about franchise ownership OR franchising your existing business? Please feel free to reach out to me at JoeFox@TheFranchiseConsultingCompany.com or (713) 936-4929. I am a Senior Franchise Consultant with over 30 years of business experience. My services are free and I’m here to help.